Atco AG is regathering!

Already Outdoor Service.jpg

Hello Atco AG Church Family!

We have two great ways to join us every Sunday- in person or online!

Our 9am worship service will be  OUTSIDE under a tent every Sunday weather permitting. For those unable to attend for any reason, we will continue to stream our Sunday worship service at 10:30 am on Facebook, Youtube, and at

Below, you will find everything that you need to know about our Re-Gathering and what we will be doing to keep everyone safe and protected. If you would like to see a video explaining all that we will be doing, please click here. If you would like to see a fun, brief walkthrough of our Re-Gathering, please click here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us!

God Bless
Mike & Christine

Phase 1

During Phase One:

We will be meeting outside, under a tent, Sunday mornings at 9 am. Our online service will still be available on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am, on Facebook, Youtube, and at Our building will not be open for use (bathrooms are for emergency only). We will not have any children/nursery ministry or coffee station available.

We encourage those with compromised immune systems, underlying health issues, fever over 100 degrees, cough or sore throat, shortness of breath, or who have had contact with anyone confirmed to have Covid-19 (in the past 14 days), to continue to enjoy our online services and not attend services onsite during Phase One.

On Saturday, by 7 pm, we will send out a text and an email to our church family as to whether or not we will be meeting on Sunday at 9 am due to weather conditions for Sunday. To be added to the email E-news, email To be added to our text messaging, text the word ATCOAG to the number 97000.

Before You Arrive:

-Please plan to arrive up to 15 minutes before the service starts, no earlier.

-Please wash your hands before leaving home.

-Please bring a face mask with you. If you forget one, we will provide one for you.

-Please feel free to bring something to drink with you.

-Please prepare yourself to not hug, shake hands, or high-five while you are at church. Instead, get ready to air hug and wave!


-Please park in every other parking spot. Our parking attendants will be available to direct you when you arrive.

-Before you prepare to exit your car, please put your mask on.

-Please do not leave your car until 8:45 am

-Please exit your car and follow the sidewalk to the welcome tent, practicing social distancing of at least 6 feet from others. Cones will be along the sidewalk to help you maintain the proper social distancing.

-Please do not congregate in the parking lot during, before, or after the service.

Welcome Tent:

-You will be asked to sign a health form/release form and answer a few health questions. If you like, you can print one off from our website and bring it with you if you prefer. (A copy of the health form/release form is available here).

-Gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer stations will be available for you if needed.

-Tithe and offering envelopes will be available for those who need one.

-When we have communion, individually wrapped communion elements will be available for each person.

-Welcome bags will be available for new guests if they choose to take one.

-You will then be escorted by our ushers to seating under the tent. We only have a limited number of chairs so please bring your own lawn or beach chair. The chairs under the tent are socially distanced for safety. If you bring your own chair(s), our ushers will help you social distance your chair(s) under the tent.

Service Under The Tent:

-Once you are seated under the tent, please refrain from getting up and moving around.

-Face masks will be optional to wear once you are seated. At anytime you leave the tent, your face mask must be on.

-The service will last approximately 50-65 minutes.

-Bulletins, Bibles, and sermon notes, will not be available. Please bring your own Bible.

-The tithe and offering basket will be located right outside the tent for you to use as you leave.

-When the service has concluded, you will be released by an usher to head to your car. Please practice social distancing while going back to your car. Please do not leave the tent until you are released by an usher.

For Our Team Members Serving On The Day Of The Service:

-Please meet at the Welcome Tent by 8:15 am at the latest.

-Please wear your Atco AG shirt if possible. We will have one available for you if you do not have one. We will also have a name tag, instead of the usual lanyards, for you to wear.

-You will be required to wear a mask and gloves at all times. We will provide one for you if you need one.

-You will be ask a few standard health question and asked to sign the health form/release waiver form.

-We will check your temperature upon arrival. You will be allowed to serve if your tempature is below 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit.


Why did you decide to start re-gathering again?

We believe something powerful happens when believers in Christ gather together to lift up the name of Jesus. Zoom Video and Online Services are great, but not they can not replace the fellowship of the believers. It is also a Biblical mandate that we gather for worship in Hebrews 10:25. For more insight, read this article.

Why are we meeting outside and not inside the church?

For two main reasons. First, outside is proven to be safer with Covid-19. Second, because of the current restrictions on inside religious gatherings. As of June 21, Governor Murphy has increased indoor gathering capacity to be limited to 25% attendance, with a maximum of 100 persons. 25% capacity of our church sanctuary is 27 seats (110 chairs). Currently, outdoor religious gatherings have no numerical limits.

What will the outdoor service look like?

The service will resemble our normal church services with the following exceptions: no meet & greet time, no tithe & offering collection, and a much smaller worship team. Everyone who will be upfront will also be social distancing. We will be outside, so please dress accordingly. The service should last between 50-65 minutes.

What needs to be done in order to have an outdoor service?

We need to create a set up and tear down team that would be willing to come early to the church on Sunday morning and set up the tents and then take them down when the service is done. We are also looking into having the area sprayed for ticks and mosquitos to help keep the chance of being bite to a minimum. We are also looking into large fans to have air circulating under the tent to help with air movement. If you would be interested in helping on the set up/tear down team, please email

What happens if it rains?

The service will be weather permitting. So if it rains, we do not have service. Every Saturday, by 7 pm, we will send out a text and an email to our church family as to whether or not we will be meeting on Sunday at 9 am due to weather conditions for Sunday. To be added to the email E-news, email To be added to our text messaging, text the word ATCOAG to the number 97000.

Why are you not serving coffee?

As of right now, we want to keep things as simple as possible. We hope to create a coffee station in a few weeks, once we see how things go. We will have water bottles available for anyone who needs water. But as of right now, please bring your own drinks.

Why do I have to wear a mask?

We are asking everyone to wear a mask, anywhere outside of the tent, so that we can be ‘good neighbors’. It is a simple way that we can show others that we care about them. Here is a good article about why we should wear masks as believers.

How do I get involved to help?

If you would like to serve as a parking attendant, greeter, usher, welcome tent attendant, set up/tear down team, or in some other area, please email us at

How long do you anticipate meeting outside? When will we start our Phase 2? Phase 3?

As of right now, and this is subject to change, we anticipate being outside until the beginning of September. In Phase 2 we would begin to have indoor services and in Phase 3 we would add nursery, children, and youth ministry.

What happens if there is a resurgence in Covid-19 in the Fall or Winter?

We will continue to listen to and follow the recommendations of the state of NJ as well as the CDC.

Mike Atkins